TPF Merchandise Planning Services...
TPF Financial Budgeting Services
The Planning Factory offers a full service in all areas of merchandise, range and assortment planning.
It includes:
- An audit to measure the effectiveness of your current merchandise planning process
- Assistance with implementation of 3rd party merchandise planning solutions
- Design and implementation of custom planning solutions
- A quickly implemented off the shelf solution
- Training in merchandise planning concepts and techniques
TPF Financial Budgeting Services
We have helped many companies escape from spreadsheet Hell!
We have integrated financial plans with other business areas
We have replaced silos of information with JOINED-UP PLANNING
Web Based Merchandise Planning Training
Our training course, "An Introduction to Merchandise Planning" is available online at, and it can be delivered on-site
The course is suitable for new and experienced merchandisers working with seasonal merchandise, as well as consultants and systems vendors.
For more information click here